Sunday, 3 February 2013

New Hair, La la la

SO, I finally put down the kitchen scissors and decided to let the professionals have a chop at my ginger-self butchered hair.

This was the outcome!

I went for a shorter, slightly modish hair cut, and I think it's a look worth trying out! I seem to be going shorter and shorter. I've even had a few people comment saying that sooner or later I will be shaving my head. I don't think I'd ever go to that kind of extremity!

anyway I whacked on a bit of slap and a half decent outfit and took a few blog photos.

Yes I do have sun glasses on. no I didn't wear them all day. its bloody freezing and I'm not that stupid that I''m one of those self obsessed people who think they are famous and leave house in the winter with the biggest pair of sunglasses on in the world. get a bloody life! I just saw them lying around and thought they looked cool with my outfit so I chucked em on!

What I Am Wearing
Crazy Dye Dress-Cameo Rose @ New Look
Denim Jacket-D.I.Y by yours truly
Brogue creepers-New Look
Lace Socks-Asda Kids section
Lace collar necklace-New Look
Black Gem Studded Belt-New Look

This dress is bloody amazing may I add. Its one of those that you can throw on when your feeling in a bit of a rubbish mood to brighten up your day! It sort of makes me want to paint, and it fits so lovely that it would literally suit all shapes and sizes! bonus!

Going to leave you now with another song love of mine. Since I went to see them in concert the other day I think its more than appropriate!



  1. Your hair looks great! Is it brighter, too? (Also, those velvet Docs below are gorgeous.)

    1. ARGH I KNOW, I am in utter love with my velvet docs!

      I did dye my hair a few weeks back but i think the effect on the picture makes it look even brighter anyway!

      Thanks for the comment love! x

  2. how did everyone like your outfit? the
    dress is so sweet and the frilly white bobby socks are adorable with your shoes.I think those
    socks are your signature look

    1. peoples usual response to my outfit is "what the hell are you wearing" but everyone pretty much loves this dress, I can't blame them, it is a good dress.

      I love my frilly socks! deffo is one of my signature looks along with the ginger locks!

      Thanks for the comment!

  3. Amazing! Good chopping, it looks incredible! I agree with the lady above too, it does look way brighter, did you dye it again? And where is your tattoo post?! Are you still loving it? Mine is so effing itchy, it's doing my head in!
    Did you cry with happiness when you saw Two Door Cinema Club? Are you enjoying all my questionssss? :D
    MUCH LOVE xxxxx


      I havent dyed it since you saw it in the flesh, I think the edit makes it look brighter! THE TATTOO POST IS COMING SHORTLY! and yes i am still in deep love although it does also annoy me that i will never really be able to see it properly...

      It was an amazing night! but im sure you will read all about it in my soon to come post!!


  4. Thanks so much! Checked out you blog too and I'll deffo be checking it out again!

    much love! x
