Friday, 18 May 2012

Tribes, Baby

We went to see The Tribes at the 02 academy in Birmingham a few days ago. Suprisingly it was a vey small room! It was quite packed, but we managed to squeeze our way to the first quarter of the crowd and got quite close to the front. If you don't mind almost getting trampled on during a gig, then near the front of the stage is definately the best, I didn't expect the crowd to be quite as lively as it was, their songs aren't too heavy or fast, they are more chilled out, that didnt really stop the crowd from going mental.

At one point during the gig my boyfriend Alex decided to push his way almost to the very front of the stage, I just followed behind him smiling at the people he was barging past. lol. It was a good job I did follow him though because at this very moment the lead singer from the band came over to where we had pushed our way to and started touching peoples hands! I don't really understand why people get so mad about this? but I did have a bit of a 'proud of my self' smile on my face as I told my sister he touched a section of my hand. not even fully grabbed it, he kind of just touched my hand between my thumb and forefinger, but this was quite exiting really. I ran back to Sophie and said "He touched my hand :) it was warm aand sweaty(nice)" ofcourse with the proud smiley face on.

ANYWAY! here is what I wore! I had been sitting my older sisters house for the week, and informed her via text that leaving her wardrobe without being chained up and bolted was a bad idea, and fully raided it for the week. here is what I decided to wear to the gig (courtesy of Kelly's Wardrobe)

I'm not too sure what's wrong with my face, I look like I'm on some kind of drug, which I can assure you I am not. This dress is so cute! No idea why my sister never wears it! The print is actually loads of little post stamps and envelopes, it's really pretty! It's a bad photo, but its the only one I got of my outfit, I was in a rush to get to the gig on time after work and just completley forgot to take any photos after the gig (that and I looked a bit red and blotchy after pushing about in the crowd...)


If you dont listen to the tribes you should, theyre just a great band to listen to when your in a bit of a chilled out mood, here is one of my faves!



  1. I want your dress so very much! x

  2. Never heard of tribes but I'm about to go check them out right now (: You look absolutely adorable! When I go to concerts I get all sweaty and gross looking haha (:


    1. Yeah you should definitely check them out! :)

      Thanks!! I wasn't looking my best after the concert though, I can assure you! :L

